
‘Brain-dead performance’: Vivek Ramaswamy’s swipe at Biden after presidential debate

Former Indian-American presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy criticized President Joe Biden‘s performance in the recent debate against Donald Trump, suggesting that the Democrats had sacrificed Biden as a “sacrificial lamb” and they should have used the commercial breaks to “swap in the real Democratic nominee.”
Taking to X, Ramaswamy said, “The game is now more obvious than ever: the Democrat Party served up an old man as their sacrificial lamb tonight.They should use the commercial break to swap in the real Democratic nominee,”
Ramaswamy, who dropped out of the race after placing fourth in the Iowa caucuses, took to social media to accuse the media of covering up Biden’s “brain-dead” performance.

Slamming Biden for his Presidential candidacy, and the performance during the debate, Ramaswamy said, “The only time Biden came remotely close to life in the debate is when he’s talking about Trump’s conviction and J6. Turns out he doesn’t give a damn about the things Americans actually care about.”

“They didn’t drug up Biden. They lobotomized him instead”, he added.
Ramaswamy recalled how his previous calls for Biden to end his candidacy were dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” by the media. However, he noted that eight months later, some analysts are starting to echo his sentiments.
The former presidential hopeful’s comments came amidst growing concerns about the age and mental acuity of both Biden and Trump, who are 81 and 78 years old, respectively. If elected, either candidate would break the record for the oldest president in US history.
Despite these concerns, Biden launched his re-election campaign in April 2023, framing the contest between him and Trump as a “stark choice” for voters between the continuation of democracy and its potential “destruction” under Trump’s leadership. Meanwhile, Trump, who launched his bid to reclaim the White House in November 2022, aims to become only the second president to win two non-consecutive terms in office.

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