
Donald Trump Green Card: Trump’s Green Card promise not for communists, Hamas supporters: 5 things to know

Republican presidential presumptive candidate Donald Trump suggested automatic green cards for foreign graduates if he becomes the president. This means all those who graduate from US colleges will automatically become US citizens. Chasing the Green Card Dream looks lucrative in Trump’s US, but he said the same thing during his 2016 campaign and then limited legal migration when he was in office.
A Green Card is a Permanent Resident Card in the US. Joe Biden recently unveiled a new immigration program offering legal status to spouses of US citizens.
What is Donald Trump’s automatic green card: 5 things to know

  1. Donald Trump’s automatic green card proposal is to retain high-skilled workers in the country. In a podcast, Trump said it’s said when the US loses people from Harvard and MIT.
  2. This automatic Green Card will be given to all foreign students as part of their diploma and this would include students attending junior colleges in the US too. “…people graduated from a top college or from a college, and they desperately wanted to stay here, they had a plan for a company, a concept, and they can’t — they go back to India, they go back to China, they do the same basic company in those places…and they become multi-billionaires employing thousands and thousands of people, and it could have been done here,” Trump said.
  3. But will all foreign graduates get Green Cards if Donald Trump becomes the president? In a statement Friday morning, Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt said that the former president’s proposal would apply to “the most skilled graduates” who are “the most thoroughly vetted.”
  4. Communists, radical Islamists, Hamas supporters, America haters will not get automatic Green Cards, Leavitt said. “He believes, only after such vetting has taken place, we ought to keep the most skilled graduates who can make significant contributions to America. This would only apply to the most thoroughly vetted college graduates who would never undercut American wages or workers.”
  5. Donald Trump did not set a good precedent on immigration earlier. He began his presidency by banning travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries and later embraced a proposal to cut legal immigration by half. Throughout his presidency, Trump assailed the H-1B visa program, favored by tech companies as a way to hire foreign skilled workers, as a “theft of American prosperity.”

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